Nylon based on a bicyclic lactam has useful properties in copolymers
Hybrid Nylon Combines Thermal Stability and Recyclability
Polymer Science Is Far From Being Dead
Markus Antonietti about his research, Staudinger, Faust, the Kitchen Lab of the Max Planck Institute, and the Noodle catalyst
Polymers with Helical Blocks
Forming domains in supramolecular polymers using UV irradiation offers new possibilities for developing functional soft materials
Functional Polymers Made by Ball Milling
Introduction of a luminophore into polymers via mechanoradical coupling
The Future of Polymer Research in the Eyes of 54 Scientists
Board members and editors of a science journal have analyzed their future visions
Turning Waste Sulfur into Polymers
Inverse vulcanized polymers with shape memory and enhanced mechanical properties
Chemical Versus Mechanical Recycling of Plastic Waste
Companies are promoting chemical recycling although it requires a lot of energy
Chemical Knowledge for New Year’s Eve
Fireworks, sparklers, sparkling wine, champagne, ... there is chemistry involved everywhere
50th Anniversary: Hermann Staudinger’s Death
Nobel Laureate Staudinger was the father of polymer chemistry and discovered the ketenes
Commemorating Hermann Staudinger
It is 130 years since the birth of Hermann Staudinger, the father of polymer chemistry