Experiences from a Science Slam — ChemistryViews talks with the winners of the first Science Slam in Karlsruhe, Germany
Introducing notable or emerging scientists through interviews.
How To Make Proteins Happy
Interview with Fridolin E. Coli
Fridolin E. Coli, gram-negative rod-shaped bacterium, talks about his more than one hundred years of experience in research
Winner of the Second iPad
Dr. H. Raaijmakers, Cosun Food Technology Centre, The Netherlands, is the January winner of the Win an iPad campaign
Women in Chemistry — Interview with Uta Wille
Associate Professor Uta Wille, University of Melbourne, Australia, followed a unique career path from atmospheric to organic chemistry, from Germany to Australia
Women in Chemistry — Interview with Zuriati Zakaria
Professor Zuriati Zakaria, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM), is the first Malay woman from Malaysia to receive a PhD in chemistry
New SCI President — Interview with Vincenzo Barone
Vincenzo Barone, the new president of the Società Chimica Italiana (SCI), talks about the SCI, IYC 2011, politics, young chemists
Peter Vollhardt: In Pursuit of a Parking Space
Peter Vollhardt on exciting chemistry, why he's no longer allowed in the lab, and quality versus quantity
Winner of the First iPad
Professor Hee Yoon Lee, KAIST, Korea, is the December winner of the campaign: Register for ChemViews Newsletter & Win an iPad
Buzzi-Ferraris and Manenti Talk About Their New Book
Find out why a library of numerical methods is like your car, being co-authors is similar to being married, teaching numerical methods is fun for students
M. Bahadir on Sustainable Water Management
Müfit Bahadir speaks about sustainable global water management, student mobility, international cooperations and the Exceed Project